Social (and Emotional) Development (PSY624-P)
Fall 2015, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00-12:15, Flipse 302
Daniel Messinger, Ph.D. (Homepage)
Tuesday 12:30pm-3:30pm, or by appointment
: The goal of the course is to review contemporary theory, research, and methods relevant to understanding social and emotional development, particularly during childhood. The course focuses on both normative and atypical development; an understanding of one enriches an understanding of the other. Individual differences, sociocultural diversity, and a historical perspective on the study of all these themes, will be emphasized throughout.
Readings: Each week, several readings will be assigned that are
representative of current work in the field. These papers will be available
linked to this syllabus.
code. All assignments are governed by the Honor code: “On my honor,
I have neither given nor received any aid on this exam/paper, etc.” Please
review the graduate honor code here.
Sessions. I will provide overview
and basic background material to inform our discussion. Some of this material
will be in the form of PowerPoint slides that I will review in class and post
on-line (I will also include links to some interesting supplementary
web-sites). Illustrative videos and in-class activities will help us get a
real-flavor for some of the topics (i.e. coding security of attachment). Please
have access to the readings (hard copy or electronic) during class sessions.
Preparing readings for class discussion. Review the reading as a starting point for leading a class
discussion. Summarize the central point and the main points (main points!) of the article; then tell us what the
most interesting issues for discussion emerge from the article. Limit your
presentations to 5 minutes. End with a couple of questions about the meaning of
this article and its message in terms of other readings, larger issues, your
own work, etc. Please write-up your notes that summarize the reading and
suggest discussion points in 2-3 PowerPoint slides. These should be emailed to
the class the evening before class and brought to class with handouts for
all. Download the PowerPoint slides that I have prepared for the class and
indicate how your material can be integrated. The goal is to encourage class
participation and discussion.
Discussion Facilitation: Students will be
responsible for facilitating discussion during class approximately several
times over the course of the semester. To do so, you will be responsible for
presenting the article and coordinating class discussion. Please familiarize
yourself with the class’ online slides as you will use them to present your
article. Most lectures will be available from the links below. As needed,
please edit the slides and create new slides. If you create a new slide, please
consider putting your last name in the footer section of the slide. Slides will
be due by email 12 hours before class. Your presentations should cover
integrative themes across the readings (particularly for that day), the pros
and cons of different research methods for addressing the topic, and ideas
regarding potential future directions/applications of the findings. The
discussion sessions you are responsible for will be worth 20% of your final
grade and will be based on the thoughtfulness and quality of your presentations
and ensuing discussion.
Exams: Students will complete a take-home midterm
Final project.
The final project should
concern typical or atypical social/emotional development. You should find
a project that interests you and will help you professionally (consult with
your advisor). Alternatives for a final project:
2) A NIH R03/R01 or NSF
grant (or, potentially, fellowship) proposal (6, 12, or 15 single-spaced pages,
respectively). The idea here is to tie together your knowledge of an area with
a proposal to do research in this area.
3) A publication-quality
literature review in summary-article format (i.e., organized by theme, not by
Possibility of
contributing or writing a Wikipedia article or articles on a topic related to
social development. See the related initiative of the Association for
Psychological Science
During the last class session(s), you
will present your project using PowerPoint.
Participation: 20% of your final grade will be assigned based on your preparation of articles, level of engagement, participation in classroom discussions, and your thought questions. 15% will be based on the mid-term. Participation may include your written responses to in-class queries. These will be brief and typically cover a single key concept found in the readings that we have discussed in class. Attendance is mandatory. Your final project (both the oral presentation and the final paper) will constitute 65% of your grade.
project dates (cc. you advisor on all of these).
9/1. Potential
topic (a title).
One paragraph single-spaced summary.
One page single-spaced abstract, and a timetable of all necessary steps to
complete the project which should be updated with your progress and resubmitted
for all subsequent final project topics.
Distribute midterm. Due 10/27.]
Updated one page abstract and a two-page outline of the final project.
11/12. Review of first drafts of final project.
11/17. First
draft of final paper containing all components of the projects (e.g., results)
PowerPoint presentations of final project.
Final paper due.
Other important dates.
class meeting 10/8 (break) 10/29, 11/5, 11/24-26 (thanksgiving)
Classes and Assigned Readings
25th – Introduction to social development and to the
27th – Overview:
Temperament, emotion, attachment, the self, and the broader context of social
and emotional development.
E. (1950). Eight Ages of Man, Childhood and Society (pp. 247-274):
Norton. Katherine1
Extra: Thompson, R. A., Winer, A. C., &
Goodvin, R. (2011). The individual child:
Temperament, emotion, self, and personality. In M. H. Bornstein
& M. E. Lamb (Ed.), Developmental science: An advanced textbook (6th ed.) (pp. 427-468). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.
September 1st – Genetics and
epigenetics. Environmental and genetic interaction
Szyf, M. and J. Bick (2012). "DNA
Methylation: A Mechanism for Embedding Early Life Experiences in the Genome." Child
Development. Katherine2
Week 3
September 8th.
R. A. (2015). Doing It with Feeling: The Emotion in Early Socioemotional
Development. Emotion Review, 7(2), 121-125. doi: 10.1177/1754073914554777
L. A., & Shutter, J. M. (2010). Emotional
facial expressions in infancy. Emotion Review, 2(2), 120-129. doi: 10.1177/1754073909352529
September 10. Intensification (email) and Emotion
Mattson, W. I., Cohn, J. F., Mahoor, M. H.,
Gangi, D. N., & Messinger, D. S. (2013). Darwin’s
Duchenne: Eye constriction during infant joy and distress. PLoS
ONE, 8(11). doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0080161. Joseph1
September 15. Predictors of
interactive competence.
Extra. Reeb-Sutherland,
B.C., Levitt, P., & Fox, N.A. (2012). The predictive nature of individual
differences in early associative learning and emerging social behavior. PLoS ONE; 7: e30511. PDF
September 17. Culture
in Development
September 22 – Early interaction: Process
Mesman, J., M. H. van Ijzendoorn, et al. (2009). "The many faces of the Still-Face Paradigm: A review and
meta-analysis." Developmental Review 29(2): 120-162. Emily2
Bigelow, A.
E., & Power, M. (2014). Effects of Maternal Responsiveness on Infant
Responsiveness and Behavior in the Still-Face Task. Infancy, 19(6),
558-584. doi:
Ruvolo, P., Messinger, D., & Movellan, J. (in press). Infants time their smiles to make
their moms smile. PLOS ONE.
24 – What does early
interaction predict?
Week 5.
September 29. Attachment defined and
describing secure and insecure attachment
Attachment site: Overview
of attachment classifications (on p. 11) and coding.
evaluation by preverbal infants.
October 1 - Predicting
attachment security
Raby, K. L., Cicchetti,
D., Carlson, E. A., Cutuli, J. J., Englund, M. M., & Egeland, B.
(2012). Genetic and
Caregiving-Based Contributions to Infant Attachment. Psychological
Science, 23(9), 1016-1023. doi:
10.1177/0956797612438265. Joseph2
Belsky, Jay; Houts,
Renate M.; Fearon, R. M. Pasco. Infant attachment security and the timing of puberty: Testing an
evolutionary hypothesis. Psychological Science,
Vol 21(9), Sep 2010, 1195-1201.
6. What
does secure attachment predict?
N., Tharner, A., Van Ijzendoorn,
M. H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Volling, B. L., Verhulst, F. C., Lambregtse-Van den Berg, M. P., & Tiemeier,
H. (2011). The association between paternal sensitivity and infant-father
attachment security: a meta-analysis of three decades of research. J Fam Psychol, 25(6), 986-992. doi: 10.1037/a0025855
NICHD_Early_Child_Care_Research_Network (2006). "Infant-mother
attachment classification: Risk and protection in relation to changing maternal
caregiving quality." Developmental Psychology 42(1):
No class meeting (break)
Week 8
10/13. What attachment processes are active in
adulthood? How do they impact intimate relationships?
Fraley, R. C., Roisman, G. I., Booth-LaForce,
C., Owen, M. T., & Holland, A. S. (2013). Interpersonal and Genetic Origins
of Adult Attachment Styles: A Longitudinal Study From
Infancy to Early Adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
No Pagination Specified. doi:
10.1037/a0031435 Emily3
10/15 Aggression, empathy, and evolution
S. F., & de Waal, F. B. (2014). Evolution of responses to (un) fairness. Science, 346(6207), 1251776.
Click here to download the PDF and use the password "fransdewaal" (all in lowercase) to open. William2
Additional Lecture. Evolution
of Responses to (Un)fairness in Apes. Friday, October
16, 2015 at 12:30pm
Week 9
10/20. Distribute and review midterm. Due
10/27. Final project review 10/22. de Waal debrief.
Aggression, empathy, and sex
10/22. Peers (popularity).
Due: Final project—2 page abstract.
Martin, C., Fabes, R. A., Hanish,
L. D., & Hollenstein, T. (2005). Social dynamics
in the preschool. Developmental Review, 25(3–4), 299-327. doi:
Messinger, D.
S., Young, G. S., Webb, S. J., Ozonoff, S., Bryson, S. E., Carter, A., Carver,
L., Charman, T., Chawarska, K., Curtin, S., Dobkins, K., Hertz-Picciotto, I., Hutman, T., Iverson, J.
M., Landa, R., Nelson, C. A., Stone, W. L., Tager-Flusberg, H., &
Zwaigenbaum, L. (2015). Early sex
differences are not autism-specific: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC)
study. Mol Autism, 6, 32. doi: 10.1186/s13229-015-0027-y
No Class.
Prosocial development and
morality. Abuse.
Kim, S., Kochanska, G., Boldt, L. J., Koenig Nordling,
J., & O’Bleness, J. J. (2014). Developmental
trajectory from early responses to transgressions to future antisocial
behavior: Evidence for the role of the parent-child relationship from two
longitudinal studies. Development and
Psychopathology, 26, 93-109.
No Class.
Social development in
classroom settings.
K. L., Welsh, J. A., Heinrichs, B. S., Nix, R. L.,
& Mathis, E. T. (2015). Helping Head Start Parents Promote Their Children's
Kindergarten Adjustment: The Research-Based Developmentally Informed Parent
Program. Child Dev, 86(6), 1877-1891. doi:
Due: Review of first drafts of final project.
Due: First draft of final project.
Parenting (cont.) and old age
J. & Shalev, I. (in press). Contextual Adversity,
Telomere Erosion, Pubertal Development and Health: Two Models of Accelerated
Aging—or One? Development and Psychopathology.
J. (2014). Toward an evo-devo theory of reproductive
strategy, health and longevity. Perspectives in Psychological Science, 9,
Self-regulation, risky behaviors.
Social development disrupted: Autism spectrum disorder [emailed].
J. S., & Uddin, L. Q. (2015). Developmental changes in large-scale network
connectivity in autism. NeuroImage: Clinical, 7,